55 W 13th St
New York, NY 10011

As the third anniversary of Sandy’s deadly landfall nears, the Center for New York City Affairs asks: What’s the post-storm state of social infrastructure in the areas where the storm hit hardest? Have government agencies and philanthropies seized – or missed – chances to strengthen grassroots groups in the storm’s aftermath? And how can the on-going post-Sandy recovery do more to help local residents increase the sum of opportunity, dignity, and hope in their neighborhoods?
A conversation with:
Klaus Jacob, special research scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
Onleilove Alston, executive director of Faith in New York.
Hugh Hogan, executive director of the North Star Fund.
Daniel Zarrilli, director of the Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency.
Moderated by John Rudolph, executive producer of the Feet in 2 Worlds, an award-winning multi-media platform bringing immigrant voices to public programming.
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